Why Do Aliens Abduct Humans?
Animal testing has been around as long as something has needed testing to ensure it would be safe for humans. Many argue it’s cruel and unjust; others argue the benefit to human life justifies it. Now, I’m not trying to open a can of worms and turn this into a wrestling match for PETA and its detractors; however, if it were done to us, would we still support our current position?
While I can’t fathom aliens testing humans for medical or cosmetic purposes, history is replete with stories of human abductions and the infamous anal probe, among other things. What purpose or need could aliens have for taking us in the night and using us for experiments? Do they intend on conquering Revlon? They are testing us, using us as guinea pigs in their spaceship labs, but to what end? Hmmm?!?
Let’s first understand what an experiment is. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, an experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
So, what would they need to discover within our bodies and DNA? Are they interested in us as a species, just as we investigate all species on our own planet to understand their origins and purpose in our world? Or is it for a deeper need? Do they need to understand our frailties, strengths and whether we would be good beasts of burden?
Both men and women have been abducted, some since they were children. These abductions and experiments often continue throughout their lives. Some, as we know, were never returned. Why? Abductees have reported that once taken, they were “rejected” because of their health and were returned home, never to be visited by the Grays again. Could some have been so ill when abducted they didn’t live through the abduction process, or perhaps died during their experiments? Or, are they still there, being mutated and brainwashed, to return as ambassadors for the Grays?
Thousands of women have been abducted and impregnated, then abducted again to have their fetuses taken by the Grays. Doctors from all over the world have reported incidents of “missing fetuses.” These healthy fetuses disappear from healthy woman who are receiving proper prenatal care. The fetuses are taken, which is why there is no evidence of a miscarriage. This is a worldwide phenomenon.
Consequently, women who have been abducted are taken again and introduced to their alien/human Hybrid children. Many times, Hybrid children are the product of a DNA pool mixture of a human mother and father with a Gray. Often, the human parents suffer in silence, knowing one or more of their children is living among unfeeling Grays, with no way of saving them from their sad fate of living with such an unemotional species.
So why are they using humans to create these Hybrid children? What purpose will they serve? Will they become earth’s overlords for the Grays?
Many agree that the Gray aliens look similar to insects. I remember the first time I saw a drawing of a Gray. I had imagined them to be an advanced insect species. Their large black eyes, bulbous head, and tiny chin are familiar to a grasshopper or a praying mantis. So, could they be insects as in the movie Starship Troopers? In the movie, Earth is fighting an advanced insect species.
That leads us to a few theories. Could the Grays’ experiments be an attempt to correct their now mutated bodies, or perhaps create a species to take their place because they may be dying? After all, we are trying to escape to Mars…could happen!
In the Gray Guardians series, I explore both these theories and we learn the fate of thousands, perhaps millions, of Hybrid lives. If the Grays are a mutation, what has their desire for restoration of their species force them to do – to humans?