Aliens and Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs have always been a fascination for many, especially children. Godzilla and Rodan, the Lochness Monster, tales of flying, fire-breathing dragons – and with the fossil record to support it, well, it is quite fascinating (not to be redundant).
The fact that we were told historically that dinosaurs existed in the 1800s is hard to compute. It is also hard to believe dinosaurs lived prior to mankind by millions of years, according to historians; yet we have hundreds of cave drawings that depict dinosaurs. Who else could have drawn them? So, obviously they must have still walked the earth during that era.
Drawings from the dinosaur era portray serpent people or gods intermingling with dinosaurs. Some very human sketches exist, even depicting man riding on dinosaurs – that’s pretty difficult to explain away.
In 1961, stones were found in Ica, Peru, with dinosaurs etched on pebbles and boulders. Since all dinosaurs supposedly died 65,000,000 years ago, we must wonder, how did the people of Peru know what a T-Rex, a Brachiosaurus or Stegosaurus looked like? The Ica stones prove humans and dinosaurs existed together. Again, some humans were even shown riding them. Other non-worldly beings also appear on the stones.
So, how do we ignore humans, dinosaurs and aliens being etched on cave walls, stones, and ancient buildings? What are we not being told?
Let’s also ask, where did the dinosaurs go? How did they all die or disappear, and why?
I have discovered that there are many theories other than an asteroid hitting earth and killing them all. Since we now have proof that humans and aliens were here together, how did only the dinosaurs die?
The dinosaurs were huge and most likely killed humans, making them a prime enemy to our continued existence. Did humans become defensive and devise a method of killing them? Could the aliens, who were friends teaching our ancestors technology, decide to save the humans from an unfortunate demise? Did they send an army to destroy them?
Or were dinosaurs far more intelligent and aware than we believe, and left our planet prior to an asteroid, causing enormous damage to the planet?
We can prove aliens, dinosaurs, and humans walked this earth at the same time. Don’t you wonder why history doesn’t catch up to reality?