If Paintings were Photos, What Would Cave People Photos Show? Aliens!

If cave people lived today, they would take photos with their cell phones of what they saw. Since smartphones did not exist during that time, cave paintings are the equivalent of our photos today. As we look at what they felt compelled to draw, what we see are paintings of things that cannot be explained during the Paleolithic Era.
So, how do you explain the thousands of aliens depicted on cave walls dating back as far as 27,000 BC and older? The pictures often appear to be alien Grays and different types of flying UFOs. Were they here to help our world evolve or were they here for experiments on our species from as far back as cave dwellers? Did they come to teach us their ways and religion, or did they come to prepare us for the advent of our culture and religion? Were they to be the gods many would worship?
So many questions and not enough answers. Or are there answers that are being kept secret? Recently we had a Congressional hearing on UFOs and aliens. It was a limited-information game of show and tell, with little of either. Sadly, we are still in the dark on what governments know.
One thing they cannot hide are the cave drawings, which are the most positive proof aliens have been here and mingled with us for several thousand, perhaps millions of years.
The Sego Canyon cave drawing shows creatures that do not resemble any beings of Earth. A drawing in Kimberly, Australia depicts aliens with large bulbous eyes, no lips, or noses. In Queretaro, Mexico, a flying orb with rays or beams of possible radiation flies over four stick-figure creatures with extended arms. Also, drawings have been found in France, Italy and many other countries.
I find a particular drawing in the Wandjina Aboriginal cave, in Australia, showing gray alien beings – very interesting. It is 5,000-years old and known as “The Sky Beings”.
What have we learned from cave drawings? We have learned that over thousands of years, a history of drawings on cave walls shows us the society of the time. They drew how they hunt, what they hunt, tools and clothing of the era. There is a pictorial history of civilizations come and gone. We have learned from the drawings and paintings of centuries ago what their life was like. Yet seeing the obvious likeness of Gray aliens has been denied as proof they were and are here. Why?
As far as I can tell, they are historical records and should be required teaching in our history classes. What makes science and modern man doubt the alien drawings, but embrace all other cave drawings as chronicles of our past?
Do you believe the drawings? See for yourself, click below.